Angel Brown's Article in Health and Fitness

1157 DNA Relationship Testing – DNA Plays A Vital Role
The DNA relationship testing is performed to verify the biological relationship among individuals. This test is mostly conducted by taking a DNA sample from the inner cheek with the help of a swab. The result obtained from this test is considered to be the most accurate. For more information, continue reading.
Posted on Sep-30-2010

353 DNA Paternity Test To Examine A Father-Son Relationship
Emergence of several effective scientific tools and techniques has led to the popularity of many testing techniques that include DNA paternity test as well as prenatal gender testing. These are the tests that have made it really easy to figure out that whether the father-son relationship has a biological base.
Posted on Sep-21-2010

1047 DNA Paternity Test – Popular For Accurate Result
The DNA paternity test is performed to confirm the paternity of the supposed father. Since the result obtain from this test is most accurate, it is also used to confirm the paternity of the supposed father during child support cases. For more information about this test, continue reading.
Posted on Sep-21-2010

304 DNA Relationship Testing When the Parent is Deceased
DNA relationship testing can still be effective enough to establish the relationship between a accused father and child even if the individual is dead. The procedure of DNA profile analysis will help to establish the child's relationship with his/her father just by analyzing the DNA profiles of the close relatives of the accused individual. Therefore it is no more hard to prove the relationship even if the accused father is dead.
Posted on Sep-21-2010

341 Saliva Drug Test at Home – a Convenient Way to Detect Drug Addiction
It is a shocking fact that the number of teens, getting addicted to drugs is on constant rise. Saliva drug test at home is a convenient tool to detect the drug abuse cases and unveil the names of the used drugs. The result can be obtained soon after the test is conducted and there is no way to tamper the samples.
Posted on Sep-14-2010

698 Does the DNA Paternity Test Say the Truth?
the legalized DNA paternity test is the best way to prove the paternity of your child. DNA relationship testing will provide with the accurate results. Several rules are mandatory to follow while testing DNA samples. This test will definitely assure the social security of your child.
Posted on Sep-14-2010

345 DNA Relationship Testing Finds the Biological Basis of Your Relationship
DNA relationship testing facilities have come into focus nowadays that has made it quite easier for the people to identify their distinct relationships including sibling relationship, etc. DNA paternity test is also one of them that helps in proving whether a person is the biological father of a child.
Posted on Sep-08-2010

378 DNA Paternity Test – Promising Test To Determine Paternity
The DNA paternity test is preformed when the mother of a child has more than one partner. Since the result obtained from this test is believed to be 99.9% accurate, it is one of the most standard test to determine the paternity. For more information about the procedure involved, continue reading.
Posted on Sep-08-2010

480 Prenatal Paternity Test – Most Accurate Approach To Determine Paternity
A prenatal paternity test is a great way to determine the paternity of the baby before it is born. Generally there are three procedures involved with this test. Each of these tests are believed to give an accurate result. Among the three tests, the fetal material testing is the most non-invasive one.
Posted on Sep-02-2010

353 Digital Fingerprinting – The Latest Technology to Put Criminals Behind Bars
The introduction of digital fingerprinting technology has helped the law enforcement to put the criminals behind bars with ease. When an individual is suspected of a crime, his fingerprints are scanned and stored in the criminals database with the help of this device. For more information. Continue reading. The introduction of digital fingerprinting technology has helped the law enforcement to put the criminals behind bars with ease. When an individual is suspected of a crime, his fingerprint
Posted on Sep-02-2010